Increased the Community's Participation


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Like that was entrusted in UUD 1945, education was the requirement for the foundation of the community that must be filled, both by the government of the centre and the government in the area. Nevertheless, this not significant that world responsibility of absolute education was on the hands of the government only. The complexity of the problem of education in this building of nation civilisation then needed the work be the same as built the pattern of the partnership around all the social stratum.

The bad dream (the decline in the participation figure community) still shadowed the world trip of education. Because at this time, education as if only became government responsibility then. In fact the community's participation inside promoted the world of the education personally was the key to the step in the government to the success to filling this basic right on the whole.

This condition also that apparently still became the problem in the world of education in the Jembrana Regency. The fear or the concern to join in contribute in order to promote the world of education apparently still haunted the Jembrana community personally as the impact from the focus of the development that was carried out of the Jembrana Regional Government since 2001.

As being known by the public, one of the supreme programs in the development field of education in the Jembrana Regency was the policy that was supported the Jembrana Instruction Regent that basically banned all the forms of the tax to the student and parents/the guardian of the pupil was because of the educational program in the Jembrana Regency subsidised by the regional government. However in his trip, “subsidy” afterwards was misinterpreted and replaced with the term “free”.

On the one hand, said the subsidy that afterwards was known free damaged brought the quite radical change. The amazed click (including also the wonder) from various territories throughout Indonesia then was born, that afterwards pushed them to carry out the study of the equal concerning this policy. Slowly, the figure of the community's participation to experience the educational bench then increased, in fact (it seems) until achieving the figure 100 percent. There was no feeling again concerned in the community's marrow on the cost of the educational cost.

However on the other side, the bad impact also did not escape as this current of the policy model. The community's participation inside promoted the world of education was then slow faded. Moreover that developed uptil now was, the community reluctantly participated active resulting from the existence of Jembrana Instruction Regent who banned all the forms of the tax to the student or parents/the guardian of the pupil. They (the community) seem like will release bore his child's education and hand over fully to the regional government.

Wrong perception
What that could be arrested upper came to the forefront this condition? That actually, the perception mistake in the community at the discretion of the educational subsidy that was undertaken happened the Jembrana Regional Government. “The ban” gave the contribution to the school as the shape of active participation the community was in the world of education misinterpreted and regarded as a deadly effort the community's participation that finally had flowed in concerns to join in contributed, both from the community and the school as the organiser of education.

The understanding banned all the forms of the tax to the student or parents of the student that his context was SPP money and money for the building, was caught and translated became free everything. Then not the new and surprising matter if storms happening until coming to the forefront him the illegal levy term in every year the new teaching.

If being like this his situation, how did world fate of education in the future remember the world of education not only problem of the building and SPP money only. Now behind, abreast requirements to support the long process of the territory pencerdasan this nation was still being opened up the area.

Then, really was regretted and not wise if afterwards education was made casualties on the wrong behaviours someone or a group of interested person. Because actually, education can not go optimal without the existence of the touch and active participation the community (parents of the student). That to create quality education, definitely needed a long process that must be carried out and became responsibility of all the social stratum.

Already during him the community's participation was again attracted and carried out to be directly involved in the big and long agenda that was named education. This the problem that immediately must be resolved!

1 Response to "Increased the Community's Participation"

19 January 2009 at 18:04
Education is not only a task of the government considering the complexity of the problems faced.

Of course, public participation must be followed also with honesty management education....

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