The Management of the Negara City


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The development of various infrastructure as part of the town planning of a territory always became the matter that was interesting to be discussed. Because (definitely) apart from the positive aim that wanted to be achieved, both by the government in the level of the centre, the province and the regency/the city, not rare various developments of the infrastructure that was done caused the excess of the negative in his management. Mentioned that the indication of abuse of the budget of the development that destroyed the community's belief in the government, the use of the base that not in accordance with the specification that had an impact on the quality of the project that was done, through to penalty from the government as the user of the service to the counterpart on the delay of the resolution of a development.

What took place and happened in several territories in Indonesia was clearly current also in Bali and the Jembrana Regency. As a building of city civilisation that was developing and developing himself, the repairing for the sake of the repairing of the infrastructure to create comfort for the community certainly to something that was absolute was done as well as borne by the government, along with the impact of the negative that was with him that demanded the management and the well thought out resolution.

From various risks that emerged this, the target accuracy, continuation and the utilisation on the infrastructure building that was available to the basic matter that needed precision from the holder of the policy. Because not rare, what was provided by the stopped only government was limited by the just temporary utilisation. In the meaning, the public's spaces that were available not (not yet) could be managed intact and in a continuous manner as one part of the planning or the management of the town planning personally.

Each policy moreover that was touching with the requirement and the interests of the community especially in the provisions of the public's spaces certainly must was appreciated positively. Because of the identity, each policy was the starting point of the development. The totality of the government inside managed or arranged what was provided by him to the matter that was urgent to be done.

In this case, the assessment of the failure or the success of a development certainly was on the hands of the community (the people) as the holder of the highest sovereignty. Simply, the indicator of this success was considered from how far each development that was carried out could be made use of by the community intact and comprehensively, not only by one or several communities and the community's group then. Or in other words, the policy that was launched by the government could be said failed if giving the effect of the benefit that spread everywhere for the community that was led by him.

As part of the town planning effort, the step to build the infrastructure certainly was a strategic step. Because in a lay manner, the assessment of the community of civilisation's building was located in comfortable not him a city building.

If being paid close attention to more far, then in general the problem that was dealt with the urban territory revolved about the problem of the flood, the waste, the transport, the environment, as well as social problems that was caused by the social dynamics of economics that accompanied the development of the city personally. From the criminal problem, prostitution, to gelandangan and the beggar as well as the shortage of the public's space for the community.

If afterwards was attracted to enter the Negara City territory as the Capital of the Jembrana Regency along with the social building and humane civilisation, then all the city illnesses will become very possibly happened or could was minimised if the government but also his community had sensitivities so as the illness that happened in almost all the city in Indonesia did not happen in the Negara City. Moreover, to become the chronic city illness.

This awareness that grew in himself the leader and the Jembrana Regency community. Under the command of Prof. Dr. I Gede Winasa, each policy just became a main program or the continuation from the policy that was launched beforehand. In stages, the repairing for the sake of the repairing at the discretion of that was launched always was carried out, including through the development of the infrastructure as some part of the policy personally.

For example small, this could be seen from how government efforts to overcome various problems of the environment, especially the waste. The compost factory to process the waste into fertiliser was built as the step strategsi to deal with the problem of the waste in the urban territory. The sorting of the waste that was divided into each kind in the household and the protocol roads as the further program from the development of this compost factory could be still being the step in early to deal with the problem of waste in Jembrana. Not free also, the existence of Tedung Bali as the centre of the manager of the flood took part in becoming the strategic step to overcome the problem of the environment in the urban territory.

Only did not stop being limited by the problem of the environment, various of the public's facilities were then developed that had a basis in the interests and the requirement to create comfort for his community. If seeing effective policies that were launched, then was not wrong if the feeling to had grew in himself each Jembrana community. Then, active participation from the community then was born as a shape of the support and respect for the upper government of each policy for the people who was launched.

This condition definitely was a success at the same time the difficult burden of the government that must be held. Because anyway, maintained the community's belief far more was difficult than cultivated the belief personally. Then like that was thrown by the poet “ Binatang Jalang”, Chairil Anwar, the work was not yet finished, not yet anything!

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The Indicator of the Success of Leadership


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Leadership was the core from the management. Leadership in principle was the capacity of a leader in moving the organisation, with all the available resources to achieve the aim. Therefore a successful leader was also a successful manager, but a successful manager not necessarily a successful leader.

Leadership was a secret that was critical for the success of development programs. Leadership had the extraordinary connotation. Leadership was also known with several types or the style, where respectively the type or the style of this leadership had the surplus and the weakness. Leadership was related to many aspects from a leader, so as to be gotten by the characteristics that eventually could identify whether a person could be said as the leader or not. The style of leadership and the characteristics of a leader was dynamic in line with the development of the organisation, the social community or the community that was led by him. Because of that really was difficult to say the type or the style of what leadership that was most exact and most was successful. Likewise his matter with the characteristics what will be shown by a leader.

Leadership from the period to the period experienced the change in accordance with the condition for the community and his time. Traditional leadership very thick with nuances of the ruler, who was known with “Titah Pandito Ratu”. The absolute authority was on the hands of the king. The authority model like that if being seen was positive and negative him. Positive him: was not corruption, the king was not employed by the people or the country. His negative: weak the control, authoritarian and feodalistik. It was different that his matter with modern leadership, that used the modern management. The authority no longer to one person, is carried out by delegations of the authority.

Government leadership in the Orde Baru period tended centralistic and authoritarian that afterwards Orde Baru leadership was then ended with the Era Reformasi. Leadership in the reform period headed in democratisation. This era afterwards bring up the autonomy era of the area, where the area was given by the authority that was wider to arrange his household personally. Where this transition the basic problem that was dealt with by the leader was the crisis of confidence, resulting from the feeling of the trauma in periods beforehand. Because of in the autonomy era of the area was demanded by innovative leadership and more close to the people. The capacity of a leader to understand the condition and the potential for the area became very important.

Although having several opinions that said that the leadership was abstract, but in fact this leadership could be measured from several aspects, with several approaches and the indicator that were measured. The existence of a leader in an organisation, the community or the community as a consequence of the social contract between the leader and that was led, definitely will bring results (output) as well as the impact (out come) that could be positive and negative. Therefore the success or the failure of a leader could be considered or measured from several aspects. Simply to measure the success of leadership could be seen dair 3 aspects. Firstly, from the aspect of the personal capacity (internal resources). Secondly from the aspect of the managerial capacity (managerial skill). Thirdly, from the aspect of the achievement of the aim (the goal succes).

The aspect of the Assessment of the Leadership
The personal capacity (internal resources), was the basic capacity that adhered in someone, who was the sensitivity in catching and translating the meaning of a problem or the challenge (the phenomenon), and could pour in an imagination that furthermore was formulated in a point of view, as well as could be carried out through concrete steps towards the change that was good in the future. With the personal capacity, a leader will have the creativity power to innovate, and the capacity to communicate. Beside this matter the existence of a belief himself, and the brave attitude took the risk towards all the actions that were carried out. The goal of a leader will never change, although must face various challenges or the obstacle, in fact until threatened the spirit even.

The managerial capacity was the capacity of a leader to plan, organise, carry out as well as carry out the supervision and the evaluation of an activity that was carried out or that was desired by him. This second aspect will not be free from the first aspect, because of the capacity comprehended the phenomenon of the organisation or the area, the fund understood the substance from this phenomenon became the reference of the management what was most exact to be applied. Because basically the good management must produce (perform), so as the good management will produce performance the good achievement.

The achievement of the aim (the goal succes), was the destiny from leadership, as the impact of the activity or the program that was undertaken with the good management. The destiny from the country or the community simply was welfare and justice. Welfare was measured from the quality of the life (quality of life), that also was known with the the development index of humankind, that could be seen from: the quality of education, the level of the health and the community's purchasing power. Whereas justice will be reached if the quality of the public's service (public service) that was given by the government could evenly and in a quality manner.

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